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BOD MinutesOfMeeting March18,2024

March 18, 2024
Present: Kyle Hauber, Tom Kruse, Rick Szevery, Linda Jones (phone), Chris Ader, Kristin
Stokes, John Tritle
Visiting: Stephanie Hauber, Sam Hefflin
After determining there to be a quorum present, the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Ridgewood
Creek Property Owner’s Association was called to order at 5:42 PM by President Tom Kruse. The meeting
location was the Hauber residence.
Minutes were read and approved
1. Nipsco is replacing the wooden electrical poles along the easement
Financial Committee: (Chris Ader Chairperson)
1. Checking account balance as of 3/18/2024 was $29,152.51.
2. CD balance is $15,000.
3. No outstanding payments to report
4. Working on payment acknowledgement system.
5. Card Connect was approved as a new way to pay dues through our website.
Grounds Committee: (John Tritle Chairperson)
1. Planning volunteer day for 2024 TBD
2. Spring Cleanup has been done. Ag-Lime replacement might be done as a DIY project.
3. Discussed refund to Northridge Condo Association for leaf pickup costs as they pay for their own
separately. Refund was made to Northridge in the sum of $2,831.00
Control / Nominating Committee: (Co-Chairpersons, Stephanie Hauber and Samantha Heflin)
a. Elections- Rick Szevery and John Tritle are up for election in 2024.
i. Nominations will be collected starting March 11 and due on March 29.Mo new
nominations as of 3-18-24
ii. Ballots will be mailed by April 2, due on April 27 (date of annual meeting)
Old Business:
1. Bylaws and Covenants and Restriction have been converted to electronic copies and need to be
reviewed by our attorney. The lawyer has looked them over and the amendments need to be
recorded in the county. Amendments regarding updates changes need to be submitted to County.
Ongoing, Tom will update.
2. Advised by the county that they sweep our streets once a year. Investigating if we can reschedule
that, Wednesday is not a good day due to garbage day. John to call County.
3. Kyle and others will install new tennis court net when the weather permits.
4. Discussed painting pickle ball lines on tennis court. – Tabled for now
5. Date of annual meeting confirmed for April 27 at the Library.
6. Rick Szevery and John Tritle are up for re-election in 2024.
7. Stephanie Hauber will update and consolidate Google Drive with current information.
8. Two (2) Solar powered speed limit signs that are roughly $3000.00 each will be purchased and
installed by the Board. Locations will be determined. One will be purchased in 2023 and the other
in 2024. UPDATE- due to costs, delayed this purchase while considering other options.
9. No soliciting signs will be purchased and installed at the entrances.
New Business:
1, Path issues were discussed in regards to erosion. Tom to call VCC to see if they will give him the
names of the paving Company they use
2. Guard rails were discussed in lieu of the decaying split rail fences on either side of Cross Creek
Rd where the creek goes under the road.
3. Hauber’s are considering a fence for their back yard.
4. Schedule for annual meeting:
a. 9:00 am board meeting (library opens at 9)
b. 10:00 am public meeting
c. 11:30 closing board meeting
Next meeting is April 27 at the Valparaiso Public Library at 9:00 AM
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:49